Japanese-to-English translation, writing, and editing

Matt Treyvaud

Born in Melbourne, Australia
Based in Japan since 2002

Graduating from Melbourne University with majors in Linguistics and English, Matt worked as a copywriter in Australia before moving to Japan in 2002. Building on more than a decade of experience in the translation and localization industry, he founded Kōchikudō G.K., a translation, editing, and writing firm, in 2017. He is also a shihan (master) in the Kinko school of shakuhachi (bamboo flute).

In 2020 he received the 2019–2020 Lindsley and Masao Miyoshi Translation Prize from the Donald Keene Center at Columbia University for his translation of Shimura Fukumi’s The Music of Color (Iro o kanaderu).

Published translations

  • Takahashi Rumiko, Maison Ikkoku (Mezon Ikkoku). Viz, 2020 (forthcoming)
  • Inui Rokurō, Automatic Eve (Kikō no Ibu). Haikasoru, 2019
  • Shimura Fukumi, The Music of Color (Iro o kanaderu). JPIC, 2019. Recipient of 2019–2020 Lindsley and Masao Miyoshi Translation Prize.
  • Minagawa Hiroko, The Resurrection Fireplace (Hirakasete itadaki kōei desu: DILATED TO MEET YOU). Bento Books, 2019
  • Tobi Hirotaka, The Thousand Year Beach (Grandes vacances: Haien no tenshi (1)). Haikasoru、2018
  • Takashina Shūji, The Japanese Sense of Beauty (Nihonjin ni totte utsukushisa to wa nani ka). JPIC, 2018
  • Kumota Haruko, Descending Stories: Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju (Shōwa Genroku rakugo shinjū). Manga, vols. 1–10. Kodansha Comics, 2017–2018
  • Edogawa Ranpo, “The Psychological Examination” (Shinri Shiken). In Short Stories of Ranpo Edogawa (Eigo de yomu Edogawa Ranpo tanpenshū). IBC Publishing, 2016
  • Natsume Sōseki, Ten Nights Dreaming (Yume jūya). Dover, 2015
  • Toh EnJoe, “The Squirrel Awakes” (Risu o jissō suru). Amazon, 2015


  • Japanese-to-English translation
  • English writing and editing
  • Localization consulting


Kōchikudo Gōdō Kaisha
Kanagawa-ken Chigasaki-shi Motomachi 4-32
Email: matt@kochikudo.co.jp
Telephone: 080-3466-2391